*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's August Intention *Check out Pope Francis... *Plymouth Diocese Catechetical Summer Camps * A new step forwards in the right direction *Music in church *Holiday Hunger *Mass Guidelines *Sunday 15 August
Read More*Collections * Confessions *Mass attendance *World Day of Grandparents and Elders * It will not be long now! Mass Guidelines *Check out Pope Francis' daily tweets on Twitter *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.).
Read More*Collections *Confessions * Mass attendance *Pope's July Intention *It will not be long now! *The Bishops' Conference *Augustinian Recollect Mission in Sierra Leone *Youth Event in the Diocese * Cana Week for Married Couples *World Day for grandparents and the Elderly *Sunday 18 July
Read More*Collections * Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's June Intention *The Fast of St. Peter and St Paul *It will not be long now! *The Bishops' Conference *Planter outside the church *Future day events *Cana Week for Married Couples *Sunday 27 June.
Read More*Collections *Confessions * Mass attendance *Future day events *Building Development Expenses *What are we to expect from St Anthony’s development work Phase 2? *Check out Pope Francis’ daily tweets on Twitter…. *Received from Sierra Leone OAR Mission *Mass Live streaming from Blessed Sacrament Exeter *The Bishops’ Conference
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Church building development Phase 2 * Pope’s April Intention Fundamental Rights *Easter & Christmas offerings * Pilgrimage of Healing and Thanksgiving * Heaven’s Road Catholic Online Radio www.heavensroadfm.com * Please pray for…
Read More*Collections * Confessions * Mass attendance *Lent * The Stations of the Cross *Church building development Phase 2 * Do remember the poor in Lent * Lenten Bible Course * Masses on line * Check the Pope Francis Twitter *Catholic Online Radio * The feast of St Patrick *The feast of St Joseph *Next Sunday's Mass readings.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance * Lent began * May they rest in peace *Church building development *Lent Family Fast day * The Stations of the Cross * Mental Health and Covid-19 * Things to pray for this week *Lenten Bible Course * Caritas - support for individuals *Catholic Online Radio *Wednesday Word Scripture Reflection *CAFOD *Masses on line.
Read More*Collections * Confessions * *Mass attendance *Mental Health and Covid-19 * Caritas Plymouth *Public Masses * 26th January 1992 * Why have we built an outside church porch? * Caritas - support for individuals * Church building development progress Phase 1 *Things to pray for this week * The Pope tweets... *Vaccine Reticence *Wednesday Word Scripture Reflection *Bible in a year.
Read More*Collections * Confessions *Church building development progress Phase 1 *Christmas collection *Fratelli Tutti *Things to pray for this week * Mass attendance *Public Masses *Christmas Masses *A big thank you *Why have we built an outside church porch?
Read More*Collections *Things to pray for this week *Church building development progress Phase 1 *Confessions *Gift Aid Scheme *Mass attendance *Celebrate Catholic Charismatic Renewal *Commemoration of the faithful departed *Legacy *Why are we building an outside church porch? *A prayer
Read More*Collections *Things to pray for this week *Church building development Phase 1 *Sunday Mass *You will be asked *Confessions *Gift Aid Scheme * Mass attendance *Rosary Whirlwind British Isles *Celebrate Catholic Charismatic Renewal *Reaching out conference *Why are we building an outside church porch? * A prayer
Read More* Church accident repairs * Masks * The Pope’s prayer for August * Mass regulations * Track and Trace (from Bishop Mark)
Read More*Collections *Confessions * Pope's June intention prayers *Sunday music *Phase 2 St Anthony's project *Prayer for the Queen *Pentecost Sunday *We pray for... *Plymouth Diocese Catechetical Summer Camps *Youth Rally 2022.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Catholic Chaplaincies *Pope's December prayer intentions *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Catholic Children's Society (Plymouth) *Youth Events News *St Rita's Christmas Catalogue *Have a Blessed Christmas * Christmas Masses *No Christmas cards to parishioners this year.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' October Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Gratefully received in September 2024 *Volunteers needed to count the collection *Mass readers *After a beak of nearly five years *Standing debt *Bishop Philip's installation is on 9th November at Plymouth Cathedral.
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