Welcome to the Website of St Anthony's Church, Ottery St Mary, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth and served by the Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR).
I hope what you find here is useful and helps you to understand something of the faith that is kept alive in our Parish Community.
No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, we will be delighted to welcome you and celebrate together our common faith at the Saturday 6.00pm Mass and 9.30am Sunday Mass.
If you have lost touch with us for a while, we would be delighted to see you again and listen to your story.
Easter is the point of reference in our Christian calendar, our main feast day: Christ rose from the dead and we live and celebrate the same hope.
The time of Lent we have started this week on Ash Wednesday is offered to us by the Church as a time of grace and a call to conversion, prayer, penance and reconciliation with God and neighbour. Do join us on our proactive journey to Easter.
God bless!
Fr Frank Umendia O.A.R.
Parish Priest